Integrity Ireland

Frequently Asked Questions

Top 10 Questions - please scroll down for answers

1. What sort of organisation is Integrity Ireland?

2. Who owns and runs Integrity Ireland?

3. Does it cost anything to become a member?

4. Why do I have to fill out an application form?

5. Can I use the I-I logo on my website?

6. Will you run my court case for me?

7. How do we know that our information is safe?

8. How do you expect to really change anything?

9. Other anti-corruption groups have formed but came to nothing. What makes I-I different?

10. Why can only ‘Active’ members access all of the secure area on the website?

1. What sort of organisation is Integrity Ireland?

I-I is a citizens-driven, anti-corruption network and support group that is registered as an ‘Unincorporated Association’ in Ireland under ‘Class 45: Provision of information services pertaining to citizens rights.’ As we develop and evolve, we aim to become an effective oversight agency for citizens whose fundamental rights have been abused by authority figures, particularly by those in the legal profession, policing and the Courts.

2. Who owns and runs Integrity Ireland?

The I-I website, name and logo are copyrighted and resolve to ‘CheckPoint Ireland’ which is a business registered in Ireland in the name of Stephen Manning, the I-I central website administrator. In principle, Integrity Ireland is guided by the collective feedback from members, and managed by an ad-hoc council/committee of no more than seven active members at any given time. Because we employ a general policy of confidentiality regarding members’ personal details, we prefer not to name current council members in circumstances where doing so may bring unwanted attentions to their door.

3. Does it cost anything to become a member?

No, not at present. But please feel free to contact us if you wish to donate or support us in

any other way. However, it is strongly advised that you avail of a copy of the latest ‘S.O.S.

Guide’ which has been designed to introduce new or prospective members to the Association.

4. Why do I have to fill out an application form?

The application process must be formalised for a number of reasons to do with confidentiality, transparency, accountability and efficiency, as well as to ensure you receive the best possible benefits of membership. Because membership is completely voluntary you may resign or withdraw your membership at any time.

5. Can I use the I-I logo on my website?

Yes, the I-I logo can now be used - but only as a link back to the public I-I website or other online connections such as Facebook. Members are encouraged to advertise their own membership of I-I but it is important that there is only ONE source of ‘official information’ for members, which is why the rules and guidelines state that no member or group of members may appropriate the I-I logo or name, or claim to represent Integrity Ireland or act on its behalf, without the express written permission of the registered domain administrator. In due course, a democratically-elected committee of I-I members may assume this deciding role.

6. Will you run my Court case for me?

No. We are NOT an official legal services provider. However, we do count paralegals and legal professionals within the general I-I membership, and there is a wealth of experience amongst other members who have acted as lay-litigants who are happy to offer personal advice and support. What you do with that advice is your concern, but we will support you as best we can within the legal limits and parameters allowed, as long as your case fulfils the right criteria.  

7. How do we know that our information is safe?

You don’t! We do have special arrangements for whistleblowers or for people with very sensitive stories. However, the whole purpose of I-I is to expose and confront injustice and corruption, and that can only be done when people like us stand up openly and challenge what is going on. This would be very hard to do if people are trying to maintain ‘confidentiality’ or otherwise hide their identities. We protect our information and our database as best we can, but we cannot give any specific guarantees of absolute confidentiality - especially in light of illegal surveillance by the Irish authorities ongoing.  

8. How do you expect to really change anything?

By trying. It has already been demonstrated that when I-I members come together and support each other that we are making a difference in individual members’ cases - and we are now working with the anti-corruption committee that is bringing members’ cases directly to the Dail. As of February 2016 - and in light of the continued failures and refusals of the various ‘statutory oversight bodies’ to deal with chronic criminality in the agencies of the State; we are preparing an approach the European Courts of Human Rights.   

9. Other anti-corruption groups have formed but came to nothing. What makes I-I different?

Because we are proactive, not just reactive. Integrity Ireland is not just ‘an anti-corruption group’. It is also–and primarily–a proactive resource for determined citizens who want to see a fundamental change in the way Ireland ‘does business’ - especially in law enforcement, the legal profession and the Courts. Although we are of course ‘reacting’ to the injustices visited upon us all, we are doing so in a proactive, planned and systematic manner that will, we believe, result in some necessary fundamental changes in Irish society, whilst at the same time securing justice for wronged citizens in their individual cases.

10. Why can only I-I members access the secure area on the website?

For practical reasons to do with trust and security and to ensure that our collective anti-corruption efforts are not undermined or compromised, full I-I membership is only given to persons who can demonstrate that they have been mistreated by the authorities and are willing to personally stand behind qualified formal complaints. Accordingly, some of the sensitive information in the secure area of the website is exclusive to them for the management of their cases and complaints, and it would serve no-one’s interests (except perhaps those with ulterior motives or alternative agendas) to make that information generally available.

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Become a member and get ALL the facts, figures and names.        Whistleblowers contact us here in confidence ? I-I Books & Donations Twitter account for Stephen T Manning, I-I Administrator and 1st Ind Mayo candidtae Important! How to Join  us - 2016 Important! How to Join  us - 2017 How to Join I-I - important update 2016.. How to Join I-I - important update 2016..