Private Members' Area Citizens for Justice, Transparency & Accountability disclaimer ! Become a Member - join our proactive community and make a difference!

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So, you are a law-abiding citizen. You have been wronged. You take your concerns to the respective authorities expecting them to take the appropriate action, but then things start to go wrong.  Suddenly, you realise that instead of helping you, these trusted authorities are actually working against your interests. But why? After all, your cause is just and you are only seeking the assistance due to you under the law? At first bewildered and confused, and then increasingly dismayed, you eventually realise that you are being betrayed by persons who are supposedly ‘bound to uphold the Constitution’. So you take the next step and report matters to the respective statutory bodies; the Garda Authorities, the Ombudsman or the Courts – only to find that the deception, corruption and contempt continues. So, what is a law-abiding citizen to do? Just give up, and let them get away with it? Or, are you ready to do something about it?     

Contact facilities to and from other members

Specific details of other members’ complaints

Profiles of ‘worst offenders’ and their usual tactics

‘Family tree’ of connected persons in Irish society

Access to free advice from paralegals

 Access to library of free legal documents

Members complaints are graded and collated according to type and seriousness, and (with your consent) are published online, in book format; and/or video diary and then used to lobby the authorities and the media to properly deal with them.

Sign up here

Hold them to account; don’t let them ignore you As a qualified member you also receive

Secure membership I.D. card

Opportunity to showcase your story online

Access to free publishing services

List of ‘I-I’ recommended’ legal professionals and other experts

Regular newsletter, case reports and email updates

Free or discounted books, e-books and I-I merchandise

Contact details of TD’s and other authority figures

Contact details of international advocacy bodies

Participation in upcoming TV documentary

Templates and guidelines for official letters, etc, etc..

Access to the secure area of the I-I website

Admission to private and public I-I meetings

Access to secure vault and HAFTA database

Password instructions for new members..

I-I website intro.MP3 4-minute  introduction

 Court hearing / Garda interview report forms

Irish Judiciary review DONATE & SUPPORT Twitter account for Stephen T Manning, I-I Administrator and 1st Ind Mayo candidtae Contact us in confidence at

 Please ensure we have:

  1. Your mobile phone number
  2. Your email address
  3. The County you live in

Seeking facilitators in YOUR area. If you are a signed-up Member of I-I and are willing to help co-ordinate our activities locally, please contact the Administrator at

Integrity Ireland goes National! Capable Facilitators Sought.. I-I Mayo Members at local event The new I-I SOS Guide.. I-I support Conaught I-I support Dublin City I-I support Leinster I-I support Munster I-I support Ulster Your local I-I Facebook pages

Due to the overwhelming numbers trying to contact us via the main I-I Facebook page and website, we have now set up 5 regional Facebook pages where you can contact other I-I members and supporters in your area. Please click on your location below for more information. Thank you.

I-I Central Facebook page I-I Mainpage

Please understand, that due to a number of factors including the need to be able to ‘qualify’ the people that we are dealing with, that we cannot - and will not - deal with anyone who is NOT a signed-up member of I-I.

Please follow this link to become a member. Thank you. No disrespect is intended.

I-I Books & Donations