Private Members' Area Citizens for Justice, Transparency & Accountability disclaimer !

Become a Local Facilitator..

The Integrity Ireland association has now reached a size where it is necessary to delegate

responsibilities to local ‘facilitators’.

The main responsibilities for facilitators include:

There are only two requirements to become a facilitator: (i) you must be an ‘active’ signed-up member

of Integrity Ireland; and (ii) you need a minimum of two other people who are willing to set up as a local

group. Please contact the administrator here as soon as you are ready

I-I & J4All Members at Stormont

Help us help others..

If you have a couple of hours to spare from time to time - or can offer a special service or facility to I-I members in your area - we would greatly appreciate your help.

All ‘action panel’ members and activists are volunteers. Some of them take on enormous amounts of work, personal costs and other responsibilities in order to make a difference.

They do this because they believe that Ireland is better than this! That we shouldn’t pander to the vested interests of a protected elite who are making a mockery of our Constitution and our civil rights. That after centuries of struggling for a just and democratic society, that our children - and our children’s children - deserve better than this!

The Irish legal and political system is broken - badly broken - and it is only by taking responsibility at the individual level, when citizens insist on proper, ethical and moral responses from our authority figures, that we can ever hope to see productive change.

We can always use your help. Most in demand at present are local I-I Facilitators (group leaders) as well as legal, secretarial or I.T. skills, or any insider information that will be of assistance to members. (See whistleblower’s page)

Thank you for considering being of help.                                                                  Contact us in confidence here.

We welcome  volunteers!

Important! Local facilitators needed (see above for details)

Free meeting venues for up to 40 persons in all provinces and London, UK

Subpoena servers in locations around Ireland, especially Dublin

Researchers for the HAFTA database

Seeking Help DONATE & SUPPORT Integrity ireland Facilitators.. Click on map to find your local facilitator (Work in progress folks - please be patient) NEW! Local support platforms.. I-I support Conaught I-I support Dublin City I-I support Leinster I-I support Ulster Your local I-I Facebook pages

April 2016 - Due to the overwhelming numbers trying to contact us via the main I-I Facebook page and website, we have now set up 5 regional Facebook pages where you can contact other I-I members and supporters in your area. Please click on your location below for more information. Thank you.

I-I Central Facebook page I-I Mainpage