Private Members' Area Citizens for Justice, Transparency & Accountability disclaimer ! Real people, real cases,  and truly shocking abuses of the law and the Constitution

We deserve better than this Ireland!

When lies, deception and collusion prevails - every decent citizen loses

Police engaging in criminal activity; intimidation, physical assaults and framing innocent citizens. Solicitors conspiring with each other, stealing property, overcharging, forging documents and lying. The Garda Ombudsman suppressing evidence and refusing to investigate complaints. The DPP colluding in cover-ups and deception. The Chief State Solicitor using taxpayers’ funds to block legitimate Court cases. Civil servants conspiring against law-abiding citizens. Judges making inconsistent and unconstitutional rulings, and TD’s and Ministers of State turning a blind eye, and refusing to take proper action!     

Whilst the brief details outlined in these case summaries cannot possibly hope to fully convey the painful and exasperating experiences of each of these victims of ‘the system’ they do give a snapshot of the range and depth of the apparently-routine corruption that prevails amongst Ireland's protected elite - and especially amongst those who are at the top of their professions in the legal system, law enforcement and senior civil service. Despite all the pretensions of being a democratic republic, these case studies illustrate the sad reality that exists in Ireland today; that despite hundreds of years of struggling against injustice and oppression, and years of sectarianism and civil wars fought over the idea of building a better future for our children - we still find ourselves subject to this shameful and inequitable situation, where it is one rule for the corrupted privileged elite - and another for the rest of us.

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The case of Joseph X

The case of Dirk X

The case of Luke X

The case of Dominic X

The case of Vincent X

When does it become an ordinary citizen’s duty to cry ‘enough!’? Product 04 Product 05 Product 07 Read case reports here Product 06 More case studies coming soon folks  - we appreciate your patience..

The case of Jim X

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