Private Members' Area Citizens for Justice, Transparency & Accountability disclaimer ! Next Public Meeting.. Open to all

Please ensure you are familiar with our Rules & Guidelines before attending I-I scheduled meetings, thank you.

Public meetings and presentations are open to anyone, and all are welcome.

Private meetings or ‘ad-hoc’ meetings after Court Hearings, are for I-I Members only, or by invitation.

Fee free to contact us here for further information.

(Only approved meetings will be advertised on this webpage. Please be advised.)

Other Events & Court Support Feel free to download and share a copy of this poster (right-click to print). Seeking meeting venues…  Please contact us at if you have a suitable venue preferably near a train station.  Meetings are usually scheduled  for early evenings and last approximately 2 hours. Upcoming Meetings

Until further notice, public I-I meetings are temporarily suspended due to Covid-19 restrictions


November 22nd 2019 Friday in the Teacher’s Club, 36 Parnell Square West, The Rotunda, Dublin 5-8pm

Sept 17th Saturday in the Clanree Hotel Letterkenny, Donegal 5-7pm.

June 18th Saturday in Tuam Co. Galway at the Ard Ri Hotel 4-7pm.

May 23rd, Monday @ 6pm at the Red Cow Moran Horel, Nass Road, Dublin 22 (near Luas stop)

Nov 29th - Connaught Inn, Castlebar

Nov 9th - Hughes Pub near 4 Courts

Oct 9th - Nancy Hands Pub, Dublin

Oct 8th - Castlebar Court

Sept 9th - Dublin, Four Courts (public)

Sept 2nd - Castlebar (public & private)

July 15th - Dublin (public & private)

May 30th - Dublin (public & private)

May 6th - Castlebar, Co. Mayo.

April 28th - Ballina, Co. Mayo.

April 23rd  - Dublin.

April 13th - Ballina, Co. Mayo.

Jan 30th 2015 - Dublin

Dec 20th 2014 - Special Meeting

Nov 10th 2014 - Dublin (ad-hoc)

Oct 20th 2014 - Dublin

Oct 17th Red Cow Hotel - J4All Meeting (see text left)

July 23rd - Dublin

August - TBA

(click here for public meeting agenda)

If you have a group of people who want to meet with us or who would welcome a presentation, then please contact us at so we can arrange a private or public presentation, or a local meeting at your chosen venue.

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Look for the I-I badges..

NEW! Our first ‘I-I Action Panel’ has been set up in Co. Mayo, comprising a selection of local Active Members who will review and implement projects in accordance with our stated aims and objectives. If you have any helpful suggestions please forward them to ‘’ for consideration. These ‘I-I Action’ meetings are only open to signed-up Active Members or by invitation from the I-I Administrator.

If you want to set up a local I-I Action Group in your area, please contact us. All support is appreciated.

See right for the next private meeting (for I-I Members only), and below for the next public meeting.    

Important: Signed-up Members should email their requests to ‘’

on the Saturday prior to their appearance in Court.

I-I ‘Ad-Hoc’ Members Meeting


19 Chancery Lane, Dublin 7

(Just behind the Four Courts)

Wednesday July 15th

after the District Court Hearing

(over lunch hopefully; 1.00 to 3.00pm)

(Venue TBA)

Pending updates.. Since the unlawful incarceration of the Administrator..

September 2016

Sept 19th - Monday - back in Court 2 of the CCJ in Dublin @ 10.30am to (finally) move our prosecutions vs the Gardai and GSOC forwards?

Sept 17th - Saturday - big ‘Right 2 Water’ protest march in Dublin..

Sept 17th - Saturday, I-I presentation-meeting in the Clanree Hotel, Letterkenny Donegal 5-7pm.

Sept 6th - Tuesday in Castlebar District Court, latest hearing in the State’s attempt to criminally prosecute two prominent I-I members for speaking up in Court when a judge, aided and abetted by others in the pay of the State, broke just about every rule in the book!  

Sept 4th - Sunday at 11.00am, meet at SuperValu Westport to join ‘ACT’ (Anti-Corrution Taskforce) protest vs local District Court Judge

Sept 2nd - Friday in Court No 2, 10am at the CCJ, Parkgate Street, Dublin. Stephen Manning pressing private criminal prosecutions vs 5 Gardai and 2 GSOC staff for assault, conspiracy, criminal damage etc - using the Common Informer process.

May 2016

May 23rd - Monday. Criminal Courts of Justice @ 12.00 Court No 3, Stephen Manning to prosecute 5 Gardai and 2 GSOC staff for assault, criminal damage and conspiracy. See statement here. See video here.

May 23rd - Monday @ 6pm at the Red Cow Hotel - I-I Meeting and Presentation entitled, “The Common Informer Legislation & You”

April 2016

Apr 15th - Friday, Criminal Courts of Justice No 22 at 10.30am, Cauneze case exposing the cover-ups of Garda criminality by the Ministry for Justice.

Apr 5th - Tuesday, Supreme Court. Lisbon Treaty (2) case. See commentary here.

March 2016

Mar 15th - Tuesday. Tommy Kelly case vs GSOC in the High Court and Stephen Manning facing 5 (ludicrous) criminal charges in the Chancery District Court (behind Four Courts). Support appreciated. I-I Meeting later, venue TBA.

February 2016

Feb 17th - Wednesday - Murphy case continues in Castlebar.

Feb 16th - Tuesday in Castlebar Circuit Court before Judge Rory McCabe, the Seamus Murphy case begins. Seamus is being charged with assaulting Gardai - even though we have recordings of Seamus getting a 25-minute beating with batons etc. This could be a very interesting one - before a jury as well.. local support much appreciated.

Feb 11th - Monday hearing in Court 11 of the High Court before Justice Binchy where the opposition is trying (again) to shut down the Sean McAndrew case - where Sean is trying to expose some major frauds by certain solicitors and malfeasance by certain judges.

Feb 9th - Tuesday @ 5.00pm. Stephen Manning (I-I Administrator) registers as an independent candidate for the upcoming election.

Feb 2nd - Tuesday @ 10.30, Circuit Court Castlebar. Seamus Murphy case. Seamus has evidence of collusion between GSOC and Gardai in his case against the Gardai.. local support appreciated.

Feb 1st - Monday 11.00am. Meet at CCJ (Criminal Courts of Justice) on Parkgate Street (near Heuston Station). Marching on Garda HQ to conduct citizen’s arrest of Garda Commissioner Noirin O’Sullivan..

January 2016

Jan 13th - Wednesday, Castlebar Courthouse from 9.30am (for 10.30 start). Full-scale demonstration and protest regarding illegal and unconstitutional Courts. Followed by a march on Taoiseach Enda Kenny’s local office :-)  

December 2015

Dec 18th - CCJ Parkgate St. Court No 2. Mickey McDonald facing allegations of assaulting Gardai at a water protest. Ad-hoc I-I meeting afterwards.

Dec 17th - Thursday - Supreme Court. Gallagher case. Allegations of serious corruption by solicitors - ongoing many years.

Dec 3rd - Thursday @ 10.30am, Castlebar Circuit Court. Manning vs Collins case (supposedly) final hearing for awarding of damages. 18th hearing in a row where the ‘connected’ Defendant has avoided appearing. Ad-hoc I-I meeting afterwards in the Connaught Inn.

November 2015

Nov 23rd - Monday @ 10.30am, Castlebar Courthouse. 100 house repossessions scheduled. Big turnout expected. I-I Meeting afterwards.

Nov 17th - Tuesday @ Waterford Courthouse (Tramore Road temporary Courthouse) 10.30am Paddy Rochford defending false allegations by gardai that he breached the peace while THEY were arresting him!

Nov 17th - Tuesday @ 10.30am. Ballina Court. Statement to be delivered on behalf of Joe Doocey.

Nov 14th - Saturday. Debt Options Seminar from 10.30am at the Carrig Hotel, Carric-On-Suir, Co. Tipperary. Speakers on subjects such as Common Law and dealing effectively with the Courts. Stephen Manning from I-I speaking from 1.15pm. SOS Guides will also be available..

Nov 13th - Friday - if you are in the Mullingar area, 83 yr-old farmer Mike Gavin is naming and shaming a local solicitor for alleged theft and fraud..

Nov 13th - Friday  10.00am CCJ Parkgate St, Dublin, Philippe Canuze case - highlighting serious failings by the establishment - especially Gardai / GSOC / Ministry for Justice etc

Nov 10th - Tuesday @2.00pm. Roscommon Circuit Court. Appeal against decision of District Court to fine Stephen Manning in his absence and without any summons being delivered.

Nov 9th - Monday @ 10.30am District Court, Chancery St Dublin 7 (behind 4 Courts) Manning challenging 5 absurd Gardai/DPP summonses. Followed by  I-I Meeting at Hughes Pub at 3-6pm.

Nov 2nd - Monday. CCJ Parkgate St, Dublin. Water charge activists TD Paul Murphy  & ‘the Jobstown 23’ (actually 27 now) facing charges of false imprisonment, violent disorder and criminal damage..  

October 2015

Oct 9th - Friday. CCJ Parkgate Street, Dublin. Court No 22. Philippe Canuze case vs the State, alleging conspiracy to pervert justice for the cover-up of the 320+ cases supposedly being dealt with by the Minister for Justice etc.

Oct 8th & 9th - Thursday & Friday. O’Donnell case. Castlebar Circuit Court. Garda Superintendent and Sergeant facing charges by lay litigants.

Oct 8th - Thursday. Supreme Court, Dublin. Gunning property case.

September 2015

Sept 9th - Wednesday. Four Courts, Dublin. Follow-up on the events at Castlebar District Court on Sept 2nd ‘At the High Court’ @10.45 (further details will be placed here in due course).  Followed by general I-I meeting at a venue local to the Courts - all are welcome.

Sept 2nd - Wednesday. District Court Castlebar from 10.30am. A number of important hearings involving I-I members, including the private criminal prosecution of the County Registrar. Gardai have also been subpoenaed as witnesses to assaults committed on members of the public.. Followed by ad-hoc meeting.

August 2015

Aug 29th - Saturday. ‘Right To Water’ protest in Dublin. To book place on bus from Mayo @ only €10 return, contact 086 1953352.

July 2015

July 21st - Tuesday at 10.30am at Castlebar Circuit Court. 18th attempt to get damages awarded against a ‘connected’ litigant (who now appears to have absconded)..?

July 21st - Tuesday. Majella Rippington in the High Court.

July 15th - Wednesday at 10.30am Court No 46, District Court, Chancery St Dublin 7 (behind 4 Courts) Manning challenging Gardai/DPP vexatious summonses.

July 9th - Thursday at 10am at the Supreme Court before Justice Susan Denham, Tom Kennedy is seeking to have an Isaac Wunder order set aside (he is currently being prevented access to the Courts).  

July 7th - Tuesday at Roscommon District Court, Stephen Manning challenging the issuing of fines by the Court without due process.

July 7th - Tuesday at Mallow District Court at 10.30am Anjela Reddic challenging three vexatious convictions by Gardai.

July 6th - Monday at 10am at the Four Courts. Dennis Flanagan seeking injunction against Minister Fitzgerald for failing to investigate crime.

June 2015

June 29th - Monday, CCJ Dublin. Sean Carragher case. Local support appreciated.

June 26th - Friday, Central Criminal Court No 8. Brian O’Hare case. Allegations of Garda framing and harassing a citizen. Local support requested.

June 18th - High Court, Sean McAndrew case, local support appreciated.

June 18th - Thursday @ 8pm at the Broadhaven Bay Hotel, Belmullet, Co. Mayo, 1st Independent Mayo political meeting where some tough questions will be raised - local support appreciated..

June 17th - Wednesday @ 10.30am. Dutch journalist Micha Kat in the High Court over alleged contempt of Court regarding his reporting of the Graham Dwyer murder case recently - issues concerning freedom of speech etc..

June 8th - Monday @ 10am Ballina District Court. Moving forwards the criminal summonses vs Gardai and County Registrar from last Tuesday 2nd. Plus another hearing in the Joe Doocey vs Gardai case, and the Sean McAndrew case.

June 8th - Monday @ 10.30am in the High Court, Dublin, Rippington vs Cox & Butler  - important Motion before trial next month. Support appreciated.

June 2nd - Tuesday @10am. Castlebar District Court - local support sought as we present criminal summons to the judge naming Mayo County Registrar and a Garda Sgt for their parts in the Court debacles last week...

May 2015

May 30th - Saturday. Special meetings in Dublin. 2pm to 3.30pm for prospective new members at O’Sheas Hotel & strategy meeting from 4 - 6pm at Nancy Hands Pub.

May 28th - Thursday. Castlebar District Court 10.00am

May 21st - Thursday. Sean McAndrew case in the Supreme Court.

May 16th - Saturday at 2pm. National Land League March at the garden of Remembrance.

May 15th - Friday 11.00am. Launch of the 1st Independent Mayo political initiative. One of the candidates is I-I Administrator Stephen Manning.

May 15th - Friday 10.30 Supreme Court for mention; Gunning Case.

May 13th - Wednesday 10.45 in Court 4 of the High Court; Gunning case seeking permission to get DAR (recordings) and transcripts from previous hearings

May 12th - Tuesday at 10.00am in the Criminal Court of Justice, Court 16. James Connolly applying for a certificate of Miscarriage of Justice.

May 12th - Tuesday. Sean McAndrew case in Ballina, Co. Mayo.

May 6th - Wednesday at 10.30am. Castlebar Circuit Court, Manning vs Collins case (should be a short one) before Justice Raymond Groarke. Followed by local ‘I-I Action Panel’ meeting at Connaught Inn.

May 6th - Wednesday at 10.30. Mc Donnell case, Castlebar Courthouse.

May 2nd - Saturday at 1.00pm at the Garden of Remembrance, Parnell Square East, Dublin. National Land League march/demonstration against evictions..

April 2015

April 30th - Thursday. Sean McAndrew case, Supreme Court.

Apr 29th - Wednesday. Joe Doocey revenue case - Joe is alleging malicious prosecution, especially in light of Gardai holding on to his tax records. Ballina Courthouse, Co. Mayo.

April 28th - Tuesday. Supreme Court - Eileen & Fatima Gunning case. Seeking repossession of their family home since the 1880’s.

April 27th - Monday Court of Appeal - Sean McAndrew legal fraud case.

April 27th - Monday, Castlebar Courthouse - multiple house repossession and eviction cases. Various groups demonstrating etc.

Apr 24th - Friday at 2.00pm. Angela Reddic case in the Court of Appeal. Support appreciated.

Apr 23rd - Thursday at 2.00pm. Kildare St. Dublin. Presentation of impeachment petition to TDs Clare Daly and Mick Wallace for delivery to Office of the Taoiseach - asking for certain Judges to be removed from office. Followed by I-I Public Meeting at Nancy Hands Pub (near Heuston Station & CCJ) at 3.30pm.

Apr 23rd - Thursday, Supreme Court 11.00am - Shane Kennedy case ‘the boat man of Balbriggan’ protecting his right to live on the water. Shane is a stalwart I-I Member who would appreciate your support.

Apr 17th - Friday, High Court 10.30am, Court 4 before Justice Nicholas Kearns - Sean McAndrew vs solicitors and others in alleged serious fraud case. Followed by ad-hoc I-I meeting over lunch.

Apr 13th - Monday, Joe Doocey case - still seeking return of property seized in SDU armed raid in January. Ballina Courthouse, Co. Mayo. Followed by ad-hoc I-I meeting.

March 2015

Mar 27th - Eileen & Fatima Gunning High Court case..

Mar 26th - Thursday 6pm, submission of formal complaint to Castlebar Gardai with members of National land League. Video

Mar 25th - Wednesday, Tommy Kelly case in Ennis, Co. Clare. Seeking jury  in face of reported serial injustices by individual judges.

Mar 23rd - Monday, Castlebar, Co. Mayo @10.30am County Registrar seeking to move 200 home repossession cases for the banks. Video

Mar 23rd - Monday, Majella Rippington High Court case before Justice Nicholas Kearns - seeking adjournment - no solicitor - needs support.

Mar 21st - Major Water Charges Protest in Dublin sponsored by ‘Right to Water’ - O’Connell St. Bridge @2pm.

Mar 10th - Tuesday @ 10.30am, Ballina Courthouse, Co. Mayo, Joe Doocey case - seeking to have his unlawfully seized property returned.

February 2015

Feb 27th - Friday @ 10.00 in Appeals Court No 2 before Justice Ms Finlay Geoghegan. Manning case.

Feb 26th - Thursday  5-7pm strategy meeting in Dublin (by invitation only).

Feb 19th - Thursday @10.30am in Ballina Courthouse, Co. Mayo. Joe Doocey case before Judge Rory McCabe.

Feb 14th - Saturday. Aisling Hotel, near Heuston Station at 2pm. Meeting with various groups and politicians regarding elder abuse / nursing homes scandals..

Feb 12th - Thursday. Court No 4 in the High Court, Dublin at 10.30am. Manning case before President of High Court Nicholas Kearns.

January 2015

Jan 31st - Video log interviews - Dublin, venue TBA.

Jan 30th - Friday 6-8pm. Public meeting, Dublin.

Jan 30th - Friday 10.00am. Manning case, Appeals Court, Dublin.

Jan 26th - Monday 11.00am - support  required at the CCJ Room 13, 4th floor at the Elaine O’Hara murder trial, where a Dutch crime journalist who is one of our support Members has already been placed in Garda custody  (last Friday) and is facing ‘loss of liberty’ - apparently, for having a controversial website. Freedom of the press?

 Jan 10th - Monday 10.00am. Carragher case. CCJ Dublin.

December 2014

Dec 20th - Saturday 3pm. Special meeting in Dublin. Details here.

Dec 17th - Wednesday 10am at Naas Courthouse, James Connolly case, support appreciated.

November 2014

Nov 10th - Monday. Manning case ‘for mention’ at Court 4 in Dublin at 10.00. Support appreciated. Ad-hoc meeting over lunch at O’Shea’s Hotel.

October 2014

Oct 29th - Wednesday. McAndrew and Manning cases in the High Court. Morris case in the circuit court. Support welcome. Ad-hoc meeting in O’Sheas Hotel over lunch.

Oct 22nd - Wednesday. J4All protest outside the Dail at 2pm in support of Deputy Mick Wallace’s Garda Siochana ( Amendment ) No3  Bill 2014. An important one for all victims of Garda and GSOC failures folks.

Oct 20th - Monday. High Court No 13 Dublin - Manning case. More vexatious Motions to be dealt with. Seeking to have opposition committed for perjury and fraud. I-I Meeting at Nancy Hands 6-8pm.

Oct 17th - Friday, 2 - 5pm. ‘J4All’ general meeting at the Red Cow Hotel, Munster Suite. This is an important one folks - especially for anyone who submitted affidavits to the Minister for Justice, so please come if you can.

Oct 15th - High Court. Morris case challenging ‘inappropriate’ solicitors fees.

Oct 10th - Friday. Central Criminal Court - Sean Carraher facing allegations that he harassed  a Garda (who lodged false charges against Sean)

Oct 6th - Monday. High Court - Sean Carragher taking judicial review against a Judge’s decision to allow flawed evidence into a case.

Oct 1st - Wednesday at 10.20am. Steve Kerr case in the Central Criminal Court. Response letter to Interim Garda Commissioner Noirin O’Sullivan.

September 2014

Sept 29th - Monday at 10.30am. John Searson Case in the Supreme Court. Sean McAndrew case in the High Court. Also, ac-hoc meeting at O’Shay’s Hotel  during lunch and/or after the hearings (across the river from the Four Courts)..

Sept 22nd - Letter to Interim Garda Commissioner Noirin O’Sullivan asking for clarity on a number of issues.. See letter here

Sept 2nd - our one-page response to a generic one-line ‘response’ from the Minister for Justice.. See letter here

August 2014

Aug 26th - several anti-corruption activists including John Gill are holding a peaceful protest at Ferry’s Solicitors Office at 15 Upper Ormond Quay, Dublin (near the four Courts) on Tuesday next 26/8/2014 in support of Eileen Gunning who has allegedly been wrongfully locked up in Mountjoy Female Prison since the 12/8/2014. More details here

Aug 16th - After a similar generic letter was also sent from the Taoiseach’s Department, we wrote to the Justice Minister seeking clarity on certain matters. See letter here

Aug 10th - Generic letters sent out by Department of Justice to several Members advising each of them personally that ‘a review’ is being conducted into their individual cases… This is in response to hundreds of affidavits having been submitted to the Minister for Justice and the Taoiseach several months ago - alleging serious misconduct against Gardai, the Garda Ombudsman, the Ministry of Justice and other State agencies and affiliates. See letter here

July 2014

Wednesday 30th - Master’s Court Dublin (again) after the opposition were given another week’s adjournment to prepare their response. The Master was explicit: the matter gets dealt with today! Result: opposition Motion refused!

Also: Sean Carragher case in Court 4. Support welcomed and appreciated.

Followed by ad-hoc meeting (over lunch) in O’Shea’s Pub, across the river from the Four Courts..

Wednesday 23rd - Masters Court Dublin, rehearing of yet another ‘ambush-style’ Motion Hearing in the Manning case.. Followed by I-I Meeting in Nancy Hands Pub, near Heuston Train Station, Dublin..

Tuesday 22nd - Castlebar Circuit Court at 10.30am.

Monday 21st - another last-minute ‘ambush-style’ Motion Hearing in Court 29 at the Four Courts at 11.00am. Manning and McAndrew cases.. Also 2pm Redick case..

Thursday 10th - Masters Court Dublin from 10.30am. Meeting in Nancy Hands Pub from 6-8pm.

June 2014

Tuesday 3rd - 3rd motion for judgement in default of a defence. Manning case.

May 2014

Monday 26th - ‘Surprise’ motion (served three weeks after filing with only 3 working days notice) in the High Court,  Dublin, Manning Case 10170-P.

Thursday 15th - Steve Kerr case in the Central Criminal Court. Support welcomed.

Friday 9th - hearing in Dubln in the Ian Bailey case. I-I Members encouraged to attend to show their support in the face of serial ‘difficulties’ progressing Ian’s case against the State for wrongful arrest. Followed by I-I meeting after the hearing.

Thursday 8th - 11am - 3pm - service of High Court summonses on various State Agencies and Government Offices in Dublin.

4pm - Video database recordings in Dublin. See latest update for details on how to book your session.

April 2014

Wednesday 30th - Victoria Andreenkova case in Family Circuit Court in Smithfields, Dublin (in camera).

Thursday 24th - hearing in Castlebar District Court. HSE Child & Family Agency applying for supervision orders.

Friday 4th - Supreme Court motion in the John Searson case. CSSO attempting to have a case struck out.

Thursday 3rd at 10.30am Dublin Criminal Court - Steve Kerr case vs Gardai. Will he plead or will he not? Will Gardai produce any real evidence?

Tuesday 1st at 10.30am Castlebar Courthouse - Manning cases vs Gardai etc, plus issue of criminal complaints against County Registrar and three Judges - followed by I-I Meeting at the Connaught Inn, Castlebar.

March 2014

Thursday 27th at 2.00pm submission of affidavits outlining  Garda Malpractice to Taoiseach Enda Kenny at Government Buildings, upper Merrion Street forms available here

Friday 14th at 1.00pm at the Red Cow Hotel, ‘Justice 4 All’ public meeting.

Thurs 13th at 10.00am, Court 4, Central Criminal Court, Dublin, Stephen Kerr case - challenging being arrested and detained for walking on the road! Followed by I-I Meeting at Nancy hands, Dublin, details here.

Tues 11th - Ennis Courthouse, Tommy Kelly case before Judge Gerald Keys.

Mon 10th - Wexford Courthouse, Victoria Andreenkova case.

Thursday 6th at 6.30pm at Mullingar Garda Station. A public protest has been called by the J4All group in support of brave Garda whistleblowers Sgt Maurice McCabe and John Wilson. Lets all please support this event and encourage other Gardai to have the courage to come forwards..

February 2014

Mon 10th at 10.00am - Central Criminal Court No 7, Sean Carraher vs Gardai, case before Judge Patricia Ryan.

Mon 10th at 10.00am - Galway Courthouse, Murphy vs Grand Circle Travel, legal aid Hearing. Ad-hoc I-I meeting after Hearing.

Thurs 13th at 10.00am - Galway Courthouse, Murphy vs Grand Circle Travel, Appeal Hearing

Tuesday 18th at 10.00am - Castlebar Courthouse, Manning vs Gardai - Motion to secure access to evidence held by UK police. Also, Manning vs Collins, assessment of damages Hearing currently scheduled before Judge Raymond Groarke (1st and 2nd on list)

Tuesday 18th - I-I Meeting after Hearings above, and at 6pm in the Connaught Inn, Castlebar.

Wed 19th - Central Criminal Court, Dublin, James Conolly case.

Thurs January 30th - Central office at the Four Courts, Dublin, at 10.00am - support appreciated as we endeavour to find out what on earth is going on with this Appeal Case vs three Gardai, and ‘irregular decisions’ made by a Judge and a County Registrar..

Plus - a general call from the ‘J4All’ campaign for those who have had unsatisfactory dealings with the Garda Ombudsman to raise the issue with local media while the Garda whistleblower / penalty points / GSOC investigation issue is in the news ..

January 16th 2014 - I-I Member prepares to subpoena ‘big names’ in the employ of the State.

January 2014 - I-I Facebook page begins carrying video updates

Thurs Dec 19th - Radio interview with I-I Administrator - listen here..

Tues Dec 17th - Garda whistleblower John Wilson appearing in the High Court in Dublin in a case relating to alleged ‘dereliction of duty’. I-I Members encouraged to attend and support.

Mon Dec 16th - 10.30am, repeat Motion for Judgement in Default in the High Court in Dublin. This one could be important, because sanctions are going to be requested against lawyers who are repeatedly breaking the rules with apparent impunity.  Also, ad-hoc meeting after the Hearing,  and formal I-I meeting at 6.00pm at Nancy hands Pub near Heuston Station. Details here

Fri Dec 13th - Anti-corruption public protest and demonstration in Limerick. Organised by the J4A group. Independent TD’s and professional photographers in attendance. Members should form up at the Perry Sq Clock at 11.30am to march to the Garda station in Henry street for 12.00.

Also - Kennedy case in the Dublin Supreme Court No 14 @ 10.30am.

Mon Dec 9th - County Registrar’s sitting in Castlebar. Motion to secure evidence of criminal activity and cover-ups by authority figures.  

Tues 26th Nov - Circuit Court Castlebar @ 10.30am. Hearing for the awarding of costs and damages.

Next I-I Meeting - scheduled for 6pm Tuesday 26th November at The Connaught Inn, Castlebar, Co. Mayo. Details here.

Mon 11th November -  Dublin Supreme Court @ 11.00am. James Connolly case.

Fri 8th November - Public protest with other anti-corruption interests and independent TD’s at Tullamore Garda Station, Co. Offaly, 12.00 noon - followed by ad-hoc members meeting at a venue TBA.

Also on Friday 8th - Kennedy case back before the Supreme Court.

Friday Nov 1st - Costello case in High Court. Directional hearing.

Fri 25th October - Dublin Supreme Court. Kennedy case. More details here or in secure area.

Thurs 17th of Oct at 12 noon at Alan Shatter’s offices in Stephens Green. Collective handing-in of complaints with other anti-corruption groups. More details in secure area.  Sunday Times report here.

Monday October 14th - High Court Motion in Dublin followed by scheduled I-I meeting at Nancy Hands Pub at 6pm. Details here.

Also, Ennis Court. Member support for Motion for Judgement. More details in secure area.

Tuesday October 8th - High Court Motion followed by ad-hoc members’ meeting in Dublin. Details here

Next I-I meeting - scheduled for Friday, 20th September at the Eyre Square Hotel, Galway City from 6.30pm. Details here.

August 2013 - meeting scheduled for Donegal this month has had to be rescheduled due to other commitments. Galway meeting next month will go ahead as planned. Public website statistics record over 83,000 visitor hits in first six months. New secure password system for members-only area of the website will be operational by Sept 1st.

Next I-I meeting scheduled for Dublin on July 29th. Details here. Also member support at the Four Courts on July 29th and 30th. See you there folks..

Next I-I meeting scheduled for Cork on June 28th. Details here:  

Two successes for I-I members in the Circuit Courts: Ennis, Co Clare, and Castlebar, Co. Mayo, and another I-I member’s case progresses in the High Courts. New simplified complaint forms and affidavit forms for submission to the TD’s anti-corruption committee placed online.

Circuit Court Hearing at Ennis Courthouse - Friday May 31st @ 10.30am - please feel free to come and support another I-I member. Also, call goes out for statements and affidavits for the newly-formed ‘anti-corruption committee’… please email admin@integrityireland for more details.

Meeting scheduled for Friday May 31st at the Temple Gate Hotel, Ennis, Co. Clare at 6.30pm. All are welcome.. Come and meet other members, share your story, and get support.

Monday April 29th - I-I members attending the ‘Garda Malpractice’ meeting at the Red Cow Hotel report a good turnout, with several new faces. Attendees are urged by the TDs to draw up and sign affidavits. Also, new blog and public forum launched on the website, and the rogues gallery list goes up in the secure area (for members only).  

Meeting scheduled for Friday April 26th at the Red Cow Hotel, Dublin 22, hosted by the 4 TDs (below).  2pm to 5pm sharp please. Topic is ‘Garda malpractice’. All are welcome.

Friday March 29th - Secure area of the website launched. Signed-up members will receive passwords by email shortly. Also, first steps taken preparing for a ‘class-action’ type lawsuit against selected State institutions. Members will be advised of the details shortly.

Thursday March 28th - Received confirmation from the Independent TDs that I-I administration can help them process other citizens’ complaints.

Saturday March 16th - Scheduled inaugural meeting of I-I members and prospects in Dublin goes well, with several new members signing up. Plans are discussed to have regular meetings in various locations throughout the State, as well as for the affected diaspora in the UK.

Friday March 15th - After several previous attempts by a member acting alone had been obstructed in various ways, four I-I members attended the High Court and managed to advance that member’s case to the next stage.

After hearing at Court No 4 at the CCJ in Dublin, 12.00 Wed Nov 20th

After hearing at Court No 16 at the CCJ in Dublin, 11.00 Fri Nov 22nd  

I-I Central Facebook page I-I Mainpage Apologies folks - no public meetings during Covid restrictions